
Prayer Strategy Training

We offer a monthly training in 19 Prayer Strategies or Tools for Prayer.

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Diagnostic Tool on Prayer Strategy for CPM/DMM Practioners

Basic Prayer Training in Discovery Bible Study Format (52 Story Set)

Prayer Strategies:

P – Prepare the Way for the Coming of His Kingdom

  • Introduction Prayer as Strategy — Envisioning the God-sized reality from His heart and co-laboring to pray it into being under His direction.
  • Listening Prayer — The role of intimacy with God in igniting movements to Christ.
  • Prayer Mobilization, Training & Team Building — Raising up, equipping and partnering in prayer
  • Prayer Shield Teams — Identifying and relating to personal/corporate intercessory teams to strengthen effectiveness and fruitfulness.
  • Prayer Research — Spiritual Mapping Spirit-guided research into the supernatural underpinnings of reality to help produce more informed, effective intercession and outreach.

R – Restore God’s Rightful Rule

  • Prayer Worship Warfare — Raising the waterline of God’s manifest presence through worship, engaging with God, proclaiming His will and exercising His delegated authority through supplication and obedience
  • Prayer as Member Health — Personal restoration and transformation ministries, healing and deliverance ministries, prayer and conflict resolution, confession, forgiveness & repentance for individuals, teams and the growing Body of Christ accesses all the benefits offered by God for the abundant life He promised.
  • Prayer as Representational Repentance & Reconciliation — Healing wounds of the past through identifying with historical sins, thus weakening strongholds through release of forgiveness.
  • Prayer & Crisis Response — Prayer strategists embedded in crisis response teams help focus on and identify spiritual dynamics and appropriate responses in prayer, communicating updates and receiving encouragements from the wider prayer shield teams.
  • Prayer and Suffering — Suffering is an inevitable part of following Christ and a dynamic walk with God sustains us through it and testifies to the power of God at work in our lives

A – Advance of His Kingdom for His glory

  • Prayer Walking — We carry His Presence as we move prayer out of the church/home and into the community
  • Prayer Power Evangelism — Intelligently strategized and focused, prayer functions as a direct force for winning people to Christ. Signs and wonders follow the proclamation of the Word of God often after prayer for people.  
  • Prayer as Spiritual Warfare — Taking authority over spiritual powers and strongholds hindering the advance of God’s kingdom.
  • Prayer & Fasting for Breakthroughs — Setting aside good things voluntarily to prioritize the best things for His glory and the sake of His kingdom. Fasting quiets the appetite by choosing to hunger and thirst for God alone.
  • Prayer Presence — Establishing permanent lighthouses of continuous prayer & worship as a beachhead for the Kingdom of God.

Y – Yearn for the Now-But-Not-Yet Kingdom to Come

  • Prayer Yearning for Maturity — Pressing forward to grow into the full measure of the stature of Jesus Christ
  • Prayer Yearning for the Full Harvest — Pressing forward with urgency to reap the white harvest that the Lamb who was slain receive His full reward
  • Prayer Yearning for Kingdom Transformation — Pressing forward in modeling Kingdom living that our communities are covered with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord and His Presence among us
  • Prayer Yearning for Our Bridegroom — Pressing forward with perseverance and anticipation longing for the promised return of our Beloved

Our Mission

CELEBRATING Great Commission Progress among the Least-Reached Peoples.
ASSESSING Current Opportunities and Resources.
ACCELERATING Movements to Christ Amongst All Peoples.