
Prayer Calendars & Guides - 3


Page 1: 2018 UPG Prayer Calendars & Global Prayer Digests
Page 2: 2017 UPG Prayer Calendars & Global Prayer Digests
Page 3: 2016 UPG Prayer Calendars
Page 4: Prayer Guides
Page 5: Prayer Trails


  • April 2016 – Unreached of Western Europe “Sweden: A Place Where Unreached Muslims find a Savior.”
  • April 2016 – Espanol
  • March 2016 – Unreached of Eastern Europe & Eurasia “Tragedy and Opportunity Beckons in Southern Europe.”
  • February 2016 – Unreached of Western & Central Africa “Boko Haram: Satan’s Tool to Steal, Kill, and Destroy in Northeastern Nigeria.”

Our Mission

CELEBRATING Great Commission Progress among the Least-Reached Peoples.
ASSESSING Current Opportunities and Resources.
ACCELERATING Movements to Christ Amongst All Peoples.